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Women's Ministry Union 

Donnie Nations, Mission BEES Coordinator


The Mission BEES (Bonded Everyday Enthusiastic Sisterhood) of the WMU meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm for a mission meeting.  This meeting is usually in the home of our ladies.  At times we will defer from this to go "on site" for mission moments.  See the calendar or call the church office for the location of our next meeting.


Our group meetings emphasis are pulled from: 


  • The Community: Hands on things to actually do


  • The World: North American and International Mission Activities


  • LIFE: Situations that we all experience, the good and the bad, the stages, the changes, etc.


  • Heart and Soul: Personal Christian development of the Faith Journey & Bible Study programs and Prayer emphasis programs.

Join us at the home of this month’s hostess for a time of Mission Study, food and fellowship If you need more information, then Donnie Nations can answer any questions you may have.

ridgeland drive baptist church
The WMU Mission


To inform and inspire the Christian Woman to influence her world for Christ. - Debra, WMU Coordinator

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