Weekly Events
Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.
Worship at Ridgeland Drive Baptist is blended in a traditional format. We value well-known hymns that speak to the heart of faith. We observe the movements of the liturgical calendar and the scripture readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. The choir shares anthems that range from the traditional to the contemporary. Occasionally, contemporary music or choruses, drama, and creative readings are a part of our worship.
We recognize that the congregation is not merely an observer to the movements of worship. Rather, all are participants with God as our audience. Congregational involvement is integrated in worship through individual and group participation.
We invite you to join us for worship this week in person or live on Facebook.
W.A.T.T. Wednesdays @ 11am
Every Wednesday morning adults gather in the sanctuary for a time of prayer and Bible study. We give thanks for encounters with God and pray for the concerns of our family of faith, as well as for the needs of the community and beyond.
Following the prayer time, we participate in a brief Bible study. These studies encourage discipleship and typically follow a series or theme. However, each study stands independent of the others. One can join the Bible study at any time.
Bible Study: Sundays @ 9:00 a.m.
Every Sunday Morning offers opportunities for Bible study in small groups. During this time, individuals grow in Biblical knowledge and understanding in an environment of community, fellowship, and encouragement. For younger participants, this is a time of nurturing their faith as they discover God’s interaction with their lives.
There is a small group available to everyone. If you need assistance finding the group for you, please feel free to ask.
Weekly Schedule
9:00 am - Bible Study Groups
10:00 am - Worship
* Live on Facebook
W.A.T.T. (Wednesday Adult Time Together) - 11:00 a.m.
W.A.T.T (Wednesday Adult Time Together). Join us each Wednesday, at 11:00 a.m., in the sanctuary for a time of prayer, sharing, fellowship, and community. This is a loosely structured time, and anyone is welcome to attend.
Children’s Choir & Youth Snack Supper - 6:00 p.m.
Children’s Choir & Arts - 6:30 p.m.
Youth Group - 6:30 p.m. (Youth meet every week during the school year.)
11:30 am – Meals on Wheels
Special Events
Special times of worship and study are scheduled on Sunday evenings throughout the year. These services include such events as:
Annual Bible Study
Choir Musicals
Shelter Services (at our picnic area)
Thanksgiving Service
Hanging of Greens